For those who are in any way unfamiliar with the Tea Party movement and what it really is, I'll attempt to summarise:
Tea Partiers (who the Liberal/Progressive/MSM [choose one, they're all the same] have wrongly called "teabaggers") are everyday American citizens acting upon their ideals and actively creating the change we were promised -- but did not receive -- when Mister Obama campaigned for the Presidency. The Tea Party movement is grounded in fiscal responsibility, Constitutionally limited government, and really going back to basics when it comes to the government and its role in the lives of those it is supposed to be governing.
It doesn't matter where you stand on Governor Palin, I personally think she's neat and a breath of fresh air in the stale cave that Washington and its politics have become.
But there are those who would call Tea Partiers "racist" or "hatemongers" or any number of slanderous and libelious things, simply because these anti-Tea Partiers either disagree or are ignorant to the mission, core values, and/or purpose of the Tea Party Movement.
This is taken directly from the Tea Party Patriot website's* mission statement page [emphasis mine]:
Tea Party Patriots as an organization believes in the Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. Tea Party Patriots, Inc. is a non-partisan grassroots organization of individuals united by our core values derived from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill Of Rights as explained in the Federalist Papers**. We recognize and support the strength of grassroots organization powered by activism and civic responsibility at a local level. We hold that the United States is a republic conceived by its architects as a nation whose people were granted "unalienable rights" by our Creator. Chiefly among these are the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Tea Party Patriots stand with our founders, as heirs to the republic, to claim our rights and duties which preserve their legacy and our own. We hold, as did the founders, that there exists an inherent benefit to our country when private property and prosperity are secured by natural law and the rights of the individual.
Now, I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I'm pretty sure that that was Plain English enough for even an uneducated crazy person like me to understand:
The Tea Party Movement is about ground-level activism and going back to what was written on that piece of paper in 1787 when a bunch of men holed up in that building in Pennsylvania in the middle of Summer and banged that document out. You know... the Constitution? And the one that was written in 1776 that said that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable*** Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."**** The Declaration of Independence?
Anyone who has seen SchoolHouse Rock in school knows the Preamble to the Constitution, as well:
"We the People [of the United States], in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."*****
That right there? That is what this country was built on. That was the "Mission Statement", the opening remarks, of the Constitution. That was what the Founding Fathers were talking about when they established this country. And this country wasn't founded by men in suits who sought to make money or marginalise the citizens of this nation. Unlike the current administration (and many of those past, don't get me wrong) -- who only care about money -- and the Main-Stream Media (MSM) -- who seek to marginalise those who don't agree with Our Fearless Leader -- the men who laid the foundation for the next 200+ years of this country thought ONLY of making a better place for their families and neighbours and their descendants to live and grow.
So where did we go wrong?
Well, it all started with a little thing called "self-interest". I can hear the Necessary Dissenters now: "But Miss Cat, one could argue that the Framers of the Constitution were acting out of their own self-interest and were looking to make their own lives better. Besides, didn't Thomas Jefferson own slaves and weren't the Republicans of that day and age REALLY the Democrats? OMG ARE YOU SAYING YOU'RE A RACIST??? OMG SHE TOTALLY IS. SOMEONE CALL THE NAACP ON HER AND GET HER TO THE NEAREST INDOCTRINATION CENTRE!!!!!"******
(For the record: NO. The Republicans of Days Gone Past were ACTUALLY Republicans and the Democrats ACTUALLY have roots with the KKK.******* I want to know why it always comes back to race when I don't bow to lick Mister Obama's boots.)
Look, right? The Constitution was written as the base for all that this country stands for. We have a strong foundation there. But it seems that this administration, and those gone past*********, seem to want to build towers and turrets kind off off to the side and over that-a-way and really not attached too well to anything connected to the foundation upon which we're supposed to be building. We've got this tenuous connection to the principles upon which this great country was built, and it's not going to be too long until this tower we've allowed to be built (and helped build with our tax dollars and our bare hands) comes crumbling down and we're FORCED to go back to the main principles we should have been building on these many, many years, or it becomes an unrecognisable structure, bastardised and supported only by the once-grand, but poory-built houses of cards Mister Obama seems to value above his own country.
Is that what we want? Being shocked back into our senses when it's too late to salvage anything resembling order? Socialism under the guise of "Enlightenment"? Or falling so far that we lose all of our rights and are forced into servitude by nations we once counted as allies?
Or is there another choice? A choice that takes us back to where we came from? A choice that takes us back to the values upon which this great nation was founded and forged? A choice that strips back the overhead and over-complicated beauracracy to a place where the current status quo has no place?
Is there a choice like that?
Yes. It's called Doing Something About It. It's called getting off your bum and taking a stand. It's called talking. It's called activism. It's called getting together with people who are also Doing Something About It and letting the people YOU voted into office know that the unConstitutional principles which they are touting as "truth" and "hope" and "change" are unacceptable. Doing Something About it is We The People getting together and working toward a better world, and not waiting on the world to change.
We are the only ones who can change the world. If we don't change it, someone else will, and it may not change in the direction we want to go. It is, in fact, our own goshdarned fault that this country is in as bad a shape as it is in and is US who need to work toward the change that we need. Obamessiah? No. We The People. We The People of The United States need to fix this. We The People need to get off our collective bums and fix what's going wrong with our country and not count on the people in office to do it for us.
Who puts them in office? WE DO. They don't just magically appear there like the money in the Magical Pot of Money called The Federal Reserve. We are the ones who put the politicians we despise in office, and it's our fault, so we need to take responsibility for our actions and do something about it.
THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what the Tea Party Movement is all about.
It's not about partisan politics. It's not about money for lobbyist groups. It's not about race, religion, or personal philosophy.
It's about tearing down the piss-poor construction job on this we have done in the past hundred or so years and rebuilding ourselves upon the foundation which we were given. It's about Doing Something About It when we don't like the way something is going. It's about hard work and working for something worthy. It's about believing in actual change, and not just nominal change.
Thank you.
*Tea Party Patriots: Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement.
**Read the Federalist Papers here
***Define:unalienable - "incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another" (source)
****Read the Declaration of Independence.
*****Read the US Constitution.
******I keep telling my dad that the only reason I haven't been black-bagged by the government is because they can easily write me off as a mentally unstable, undereducated, overprivileged middle-class white girl with a martyr complex.
*******Carter's Cover Up, Back to the Future - Racist Democrats, White Guilt 101, Black Legion of Superheroes.
Kevin Jackson is awesome. Read his site,, and marvel. He's also got a book out called The BIG Black Lie: How I Learned The Truth About The Democrat Party. Oddly enough, no one else seems to want to talk about that.
********Don't misunderstand. This "truth" and "hope" and "change" -y thing isn't just a Current Administration problem. As much as I dislike Mister Obama, he's not the first to betray the American people and do something stupid like Obamacare. Woodrow Wilson started the Federal Reserve. The Fed, as we call it around here, makes money out of nothing and is the reason we're broke. Franklin D Roosevelt started Social Security as a temporary measure. Social Security, if you read the Constitution, is unConstitutional. And then you've got Lyndon B Johnson who decided that Medicare and Medicaid would be nifty ideas. Those are also unConstitutional and really shouldn't be in effect. But they are because we've grown familiar with the status quo and allowed it to wrap its little wires and whatnot all into our nervous system like the Borg or the Matrix so we've come to accept Medicare/Medicaid/SocialSecurity as our due and as something completely normal. In point of fact: we shouldn't even be paying into them at all if we're reading the Constitution.