Friday, 29 May 2009

I live in beauty. But only on Thursdays.

So a couple of days ago I put a crack in my laptop display. One single crack diagonally across the super-awesome hi-res screen I have come to love like a child. I very nearly cried.

So I took it into the computer repair place yesterday and they said "We don't have the right size display, but if you order it, we can totally put it in for you and you can give us your moneys for it". Unfortunately, it seems that the display runs about... 350$. Oh yeah. Plus shipping and handling and all that crazy crap. And then I don't even know if I'm looking at the right thing because I'm absolute bollocks when it comes to computer-putting-together-stuff (also with sentence-putting-together-stuff, obviously). And THEN I saw the cutest little laptops EVER. EVER.

So for four-hundred, I can get my current laptop fixed and repaired and it'll be shiny and I'll be able to see my whole screen.
Or I can get a new laptop entirely for about five hundred. It'd be about two-thirds the size of this beast, have a webcam and microphone built in (which this one does not, unfortunately). But it wouldn't run Vista and I am a Vista whore. (Yeah, I'm one of those PC people. Vista is awesome, in my opinion, and I'd rather customise, upgrade, and all that happy crap than have a standard Mac whatever thing. Everyone knows all Mac-users go to Hell, anyway.)

So I'm conflicted.

Also: I need a new job. Hurrah.

Oh. And I've seen Star Trek twice already. And will be going again this weekend. And cry like a little girl when I do. Because I sobbed this last time. Seriously. My dad looked over at me and said "Pull it together. Man up, woman".

I went to the grocery store today with my parents and was told "Get some fruit, then whatever you want in the produce section". Honestly, that was the best thing they could have said because I spent almost half an hour squeezing citrus, cucumbers, and capsicum, allowing them to go through the aisles without asking the inevitable "Do we need anything down here?". (Most dangerous question on the planet, that.)
But we got out of there pretty quickly. Dad had worked for almost three days straight, so he found this amusing.
[Int. Supermarket. Toilet-paper, paper-towel, and bin-bag aisle.]
Mum: Ooer! Trashbags!
Me: Get the white ones!

And "Do you want any flavoured cream cheese?".

I just spent the last two hours watching old "Any Dream Will Do" performances. Honestly, I've never been so impressed by male vocalists in my life. I'm used to mostly-untrained vocals, or vocals that were trained after the fact, but I've not really spent much time listening to men who've spent years working on their tone and pitch before they started performing on stage. It's bizarre to me, almost, how great they sound. They kind of make me want to stop singing for the rest of my life.

It's been a long month.

For some people, love is like money: the more they have of it, the less it begins to mean to them.

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